Bio Launches 5th Generation Justice Reform Strategy

Maada Bio Launches 5th Generation Justice Sector Reform

New Brookfields Hotel, Freetown, Thursday, 12 September 2024 โ€” Sierra Leoneโ€™s President, Dr. Julius Maada Bio, officially launched the countryโ€™s 5th Generation Justice Sector Reform Strategy, aimed at establishing a fair and accessible justice system for all citizens. The initiative is designed to enhance equity and uphold the rule of law across the nation.

Speaking at the event, President Bio hailed the launch as a key moment in Sierra Leoneโ€™s pursuit of justice, stating, โ€œThis marks a major step towards building a more just and equitable nation.โ€ He reaffirmed his government’s dedication to ensuring human rights and providing justice for every citizen, regardless of status or location.

The President stressed the importance of justice in maintaining national stability and development. โ€œA fair justice system strengthens trust in institutions and fosters social cohesion. It ensures that all citizens enjoy equal protection under the law,โ€ he added. He acknowledged ongoing challenges, including limited resources and systemic inefficiencies, which have historically slowed down the delivery of justice in Sierra Leone.

The new strategy aims to address these issues by improving access to justice, especially for marginalized communities. โ€œFor justice to be effective, it must be available to all, regardless of gender, socioeconomic status, or geographic location,โ€ President Bio explained, underscoring the inclusivity of the new reforms.

Attorney General Mohamed Lamin Tarawalley presented the strategy, highlighting its development through nationwide consultations. He emphasized the importance of improving justice services for all citizens and called for collaboration among lawmakers, civil society, and other key actors.

Ibrahim Tommy, a civil society representative, praised the strategy’s comprehensive approach. He commended the government for boosting the number of judges and magistrates, ensuring wider access to legal services across districts.

The event concluded with a commitment from President Bio to continue driving reforms in Sierra Leoneโ€™s justice sector, ensuring fairness, accessibility, and equity.

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