With the writing on the wall for APC and their reckless abandonment of national responsibility through all sorts of malpractices, the SLPP worldwide is in a push to ensure that funds are available to man all polling stations and ensure the integrity of the 2018 elections. Dr. Solomon Gembeh, Sr. of Dallas, Texas and, former SLPPNA Party Conference Chairman & a major SLPP stakeholder in North America is in the race against time to raise one million dollars for the SLPP through crowdfunding.

solomon Gembeh, Sr.- GoFundMe Coordinator
The great news heading into March 7, 2018, elections give the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) a significant advantage. The Party is poised to win in the first round of voting, based on all indicators from pundits and other election watchers in and out of the country, and consequently, has prompted the need to raise funds in this final push to seek Governance!
On the backdrop above, I am taking the liberty in setting up a transparent and robust GoFundMe initiative to help protect our ballot come March 7, 2018; a mistake that cost us dearly in 2012 when the current All People’s Party (APC) rigged the elections!
Hence, this is a call to action! Please demonstrate you care for SLPP by dipping deep into your pockets and knocking your chest; the Party needs your money; and yesterday!
I want to remind you, folks, which at this point in the political game SLPP has done its homework, and the task at hand now is to protect the gains we have made over the years to ensure we bounce back to power on March 7, 2018.
As you might be aware, in the last 2012 Presidential election, SLPP secured almost 38% of the total votes cast in Sierra Leone, in a rigged the election, and at a time the incumbent very popular.
…I am taking the liberty in setting up a transparent and robust GoFundMe initiative to help protect our ballot come March 7, 2018; a mistake that cost us dearly in 2012 when the current All People’s Party (APC) rigged the elections!
This time around the APC regime has squandered any gains they might have made to receive a 3rd term. The misuse of EBOLA and Mudslide funds, widespread corruption, 75% youth unemployment, world’s highest infant mortality & lowest life expectancy, with the notorious HAJJGATE, makes this our moment.
It is the SLPP time to seek governance by all means necessary!
The Sierra Leone Peoples party gained independence for the people of Sierra Leone. It is the People’s Party and, Maada Bio is the People’s Leader. That’s the Mission and Goal of this Fundraiser.
As President and leader of the Sierra Leones people’s party, President Kabba stabilized the foreign exchange rate to $1 = Le 2700 in 2007.
Currently, $1 = Le 7500
Also, President Kabba instituted good governance reforms and pioneered sustainable institutions like National Revenue Agency (NRA) and NASSIT. SLPP has always been good for Sierra Leone, and its progress.
APC, on the other hand, has always been BAD for SIERRA LEONE and its GOVERNANCE and PROGRESS.
These two institutions have been the breadwinners of the Sierra Leone economy since inception. The current APC government borrows from NRA and NASSIT, and they are now virtually insolvent!
Maada Bio is a champion of our people and lauded as the father of Democracy.
Bio will institute good governance reforms, infrastructural development, the rule of law and improve the standard of living for every Sierra Leonean.
Maada Bio has promoted peace, unity and good governance initiatives to transform our nation and advance our people.
Please donate to help Maada Bio win and implement his agenda to salvage Sierra Leone that is heading to the brink, again.
Now is the time to step up to the plate and counted.
The March 2018 election is our time! It is our moment! We have a shared agenda and a collective destiny; join me in making Maada win by helping protect our ballot by manning Polling Stations! Make Your Donation Now and usher in the SLPP for good sustainable governance and national progress.