SLPP TODAY Editorial Policy


The views and opinionss expressed here are the views and opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of


Editorial control lies with the publisher. While the publication will have a level playing field, SLPP Today will tolerate no personal and commercial interests to influence it.

SLPP Today strives to reflect a wide range of opinions and analyses on issues affecting Sierra Leone Peoples Party politics. Great and balanced editorials are welcome. Relevant reviews of articles, books, reports, research findings, and announcements on issues of interest relating to the Sierra Leone Peoples Party are necessary and welcome.

SLPP Today is seeking committed and reliable writers with a knack for editorial writing, news reporting, and analysis. The primary focus of all Articles for publication must be relevant to the Sierra Leone Peoples Party. We select articles on the following criteria: facts, accuracy, balance, originality, creativity, readability, interest level, timeliness, uniqueness, and political context.


Readers are at the heart of everything the SLPP Today does. Hence, reader feedback is invaluable to us to improve quality, extend creative possibilities, and maximize public value through letters to the editor, comments on this article button, and phone calls.